How to Advertise Using TikTok Ads in 2020

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TikTok Ads New Digital Adverting Formats

Are you looking to use TikTok ads in order to get online traction for your business? Well, you have landed just on the right page. In this post, we Are going to help you figure out how to use TikTok ads in 2020. You will learn how to create TikTok ads to promote your products and services effectively on this extremely popular social media platform.

But before getting into the technical stuff, let’s figure out whether or not running TikTok ads is appropriate for your brand. Let’s get started!


Should You Advertise on TikTok for Your Brand?

Well, the numbers speak for themselves. TikTok currently has over 500 million active users. There is a huge opportunity for advertisers to maximize their brand exposure given the fact that it is very much less saturated with ads as compared to other social media channels.

This social media platform is essentially a visual app that allows users to share 15-second videos that can be edited inside the app itself. It has taken the world of social media by a storm and advertisers are in awe of its unprecedented virility.

All major brands in the world like GrubHub, Nike, Apple Music, and others have begun advertising on TikTok. They have been creating unique and visually compelling campaigns coupled with advanced targeting options that the platform provides.

But, should you advertise on TikTok as well? To answer this question we will have to discuss your target demographic and your advertising budget.

TikTok comprises an audience aged 16-24. Almost 66% of the users are younger than 30 years of age. Thus, it is pretty much clear that the social media platform cannot be used by businesses looking to cater to older audiences.

The content on the social media platform is highly relatable to these young audiences. If you can create content around your brand which is relatable to youth-oriented topics, you will be able to draw attention.

However, we highly recommend you start advertising on TikTok even if your target audience isn’t that young. All social media platforms were first adopted by young audiences. As the popularity of TikTok grows, older demographics will also find their space on the social media platform.

The other thing that you need to take care of is the budget. The brands we mentioned earlier have huge advertising budgets. They can market anywhere they want and can put a ridiculous amount of money into their marketing campaigns. Small businesses, on the other hand, have quite a limited marketing budget.

TikTok ads are not affordable for small businesses. This is mostly because the large brands have already escalated the average CPM on the platform. We are talking about an average CPM of $10. If you are looking for an affordable advertising option, you might not want to run TikTok ads. Even the minimum investment you need to make on TikTok is $500.


TikTok Ads


Step-by-Step Guide on How to Create TikTok Ads

Here is a step-by-step guide to help you create TikTok ads and get started with advertising on this highly popular social media platform.

Step 1: Create Your TikTok Ad Campaign

Before creating the ad campaign, you will have to create your TikTok ads account which can be done by visiting the TikTok ads homepage. Once you create your ad account you can go to the TikTok ads dashboard, and click on the create button in the campaign tab. Select the campaign objective from traffic, conversions, and app installs. Set your campaign budget which at least has to be $500.

Step 2: Set Ad Placement and Targeting

TikTok allows you to select the platforms where you want to run your ads. You can run your ads on Vigo Video, BuzzVideo, News Republic, and others. Once you select the placement you will have to enter information regarding URLs, display names, creatives, and categories. You’ll also get to select your targeting using parameters like location, age, gender, languages, interest, and devices.

Step 3: Set Budget and Schedule

Once you have defined the ad group, you can set a budget and schedule for it. You can either go forward with a daily budget or set a total budget that you are going to spend on this set schedule. When it comes to setting a daily budget, you have to spend a minimum of $50 to get started. You can then go on to choose your pacing option which will determine the rate at which your budget will be spent.

Step 4: Use TikTok’s Video Creation Kit

Designing an ad creative is quite straightforward on TikTok. You can make use of TikTok’s Video Creation Kit to create ad types like brand takeovers, in-feed ads, and hashtag challenges.

Step 5: Optimize Your Campaign

To optimize your TikTok ad, you must always go for high-quality images to boost the ad’s visual appeal. When you use high-resolution images, your ad will take over the entire screen and become more impactful. You will also have to couple your ad with an effective call to action. This will help you draw your audiences’ attention to the redirect link. Since the ad description has only 80 characters, you can use the rest of the copy in the display creative. We highly recommend you go for a wide range while targeting. This will, later on, help you narrow down your ad to an audience that engages the most.


Wrapping Up

There you have it. We have shared everything that you need to know in order to run a successful advertising campaign on TikTok. We highly recommend you to factor in all the variables that we have discussed in the post before going all in. We hope this piece of content brought great value to you. Have questions? Feel free to put them down in the comment section. We would love to hear from you!