What actually is a chatbot and how is it useful for Marketing?

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What is Chatbot and how does it help with online marketing?

Chatbot Marketing is the online business’s new way

Chatbot is one of the marketing methods to promote products and services. Using Chatbot applications to communicate with users under predetermined settings; or AI features as tools for creating virtual assistants.

Chatbot can also be used for connections with messaging apps such as Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Snapchat, Telegram etc. or added to websites.
Introducing the new marketing combination between Chatbot marketing. How important it is to online businesses.

Chatbot Marketing’s merit

● Save time and money
● Segment Traffic arrangement
● Fast response
● Speed up transaction process
● Flexible for different types of businesses
● Encouraging participation
● Provide data for analysis
● Strengthen customers base


Chatbot can save your time and money

Chatbot will help your business with faster and more convenient processes of dealing with customers. Reducing cost in human resources and offering a more organized workflow. Chatbot can work without pay at all times; thus being a very economical kind of investment with promising results.


Chatbot’s segment traffic arrangement

Chatbot can manage each conversation individually according to the customer’s objective. For example, a customer who is looking for a product price will be presented with a purchase recommendation, while a customer who requires product information will be presented with details including products and services of that business.


Chatbot can respond quickly


Chatbot can speed up the transaction process

You can use chatbot for managing purchase orders without having your customers redirect to a website. Customers can order and pay within a chat, eliminate any unnecessary process by linking transactions to PayPal or any online payment services. A very useful method for e-commerce shops.


Matching chatbot with businesses

You can design chatbots to cover many kinds of processes. Whether it is for small or big family businesses. Chatbots can fit with various kinds of marketing funnels, encourage participation, sending messages through apps such as Messenger, WhatsApp, WeChat etc.


Chatbots encourage participation

Chatbots can provide more opportunity for the increase of your audiences. There are about 5 billion for Messenger People users. Your business will be able to connect with worldwide audiences thoroughly. You can refer to your audiences’ data to analyze the business condition.
All collected data will help with Chatbot understanding of audiences’ needs and satisfaction.
The data can also be applied for the chatbot’s marketing strategy to generate more business opportunities.


Chatbots strengthen customers base

Chatbot marketing can provide faster communication and more sales opportunities for products and services firmly. This can create motivation for your customers and let them easily decide to buy your products.


The importance of Chatbot

Take orders
Customers support
Schedule meetings
Track orders
Share and update information

Chatbots are very important for online marketing. The following are functions for the most effective business management.


Chatbots for taking orders
Chatbot can directly take orders in chat or affect customers’ purchase decisions.

Chatbots for customers support
Chatbots can help answering frequently asked questions regarding online transactions. Chatbots are available 24 hours a day, eliminating difficulties from time zone differences.
Chatbots for meetings scheduling
Chatbot can connect to Google Calendar and act as a secretary who will take care of your schedules and appointments; improve your time management and plans.
Chatbots for tracking order
With complex communication during certain orders; chatbots can reduce difficulties in dealing with order tracking. Make it more convenient to track and notify customers with an automatic delivery feature.
Chatbots for sharing and updating information

When you have more customers, more organized work plans; you can introduce your brand’s products and services more through promotions. Without losing touch with your audiences.Here are some examples for the application of chatbots in nowaday’s marketing. Chatbot marketing is popular among many companies. By applying different styles of chatbot to create online marketing strategies according to individual goals.

For direction and reception, users can search for locations through pre-set keywords.

For restaurants, users can order without having to visit the restaurant’s main website.

For travelling, users can search for available flights via Telegram and Checkout!

For products sales, help users classify products with colors and price.


Chatbot marketing strategies

● Search for frequently asked questions about your business
● Create specific kind of conversation
● Test your chatbot
● Make your chatbot stands out
● Ask for permission when trying to share information
● Ask for data
● Promoting with chatbot

All the above marketing chatbot strategies are crucial for achieving your business goals.

Search for frequently asked questions about your business

When creating chatbot with the ability to deal with frequently asked questions regarding your products and services. You can analyze with data within the marketing platform you are using.You can then apply it to your chatbot which fits with your businesses. You can also receive feedback and develop your business with it.


Create specific kind of conversation

Your chatbot should be specified to work with certain types of conversation. Because chatbot can only work within limitations and their understanding about human needs is also only capable to certain degrees. For example, if your chatbot does not understand processes like answering frequently asked questions, order confirmation or meeting schedule; you can take the chatbot place and continue the conversation on your own.
Test your chatbot

The best way to test a chatbot’s functionality is to actually use it yourself. You may test it with friends or anyone you know to acknowledge some effective methods for communication with audiences.Conversations between audiences and a chatbot can provide you with information useful for improving chatbot’s features to suit with more needs.


Make your chatbot stand out

Chatbot is the simulation of human conversations designed to fit with your business. You have to create your own conversation styles, which link with your business’ image and your marketing funnels.
Sharing information

You can gain permission to send scheduled direct messages with information you want to share and update to users. Be aware of timing, avoid disturbing your customers and ruining your brands’ image by sending spam messages.Ask for additional data

A process of getting necessary data for improvement in the marketing aspect of your business. Such as, name, age, location etc. This process takes place in private conversation and can lead to further conversation on other platforms.


Promoting with chatbot

Chatbot can increase more trust and confidence in your brands. They can also increase your brand awareness. The promotion of products and services with chatbot is one of the effective marketing methods.Now you see the potential of Chatbot Marketing, how important or perhaps crucial it is for online marketing these days. Therefore, chatbot created with great performance can definitely deliver good experiences to your customers.